Commission consults on farm advice


Concours / Appel à projets
Administration, Agriculture, Développement rural, Europe - mix, Politiques, Programmes, Prospective, Société

The Commission launched a consultation this week (Nov 10) on the effect of the CAP on knowledge exchange & advisory activities, seeking to collect views from stakeholders inc. farmers, national & regional authorities & the public until Feb 2, 2021. The responses will be fed into an overall evaluation of the CAP’s success in meeting its objective of “fostering knowledge transfer & innovation in agriculture, forestry & rural areas,” to establish whether the measures relevant to that aim are “effective, efficient, coherent, relevant & provide EU added value,” the EU executive said.
The groups particularly targeted by the consultation are farmers/foresters & their associations/organisations, farm advisers, training organisers, public authorities & agencies in Member States, academic/research institutions, researchers, experts, private sector stakeholders (& their associations), environmental & other NGOs, individuals & organisations wishing to contribute to the evaluation by voicing their opinions as citizens. The Commission explains that “knowledge exchange & innovation involve multiple actors, especially farmers/land managers,” & those with whom they interact. DG AGRI officials stress the role of “training & provision of advice, generation & dissemination of innovation,” in helping farmers to make decisions.