The impact of EU consumption on deforestation: Comprehensive analysis of the impact of EU consumption on deforestation



European Commission
Agriculture, Forêt
Publication externe
Analyse complète de l'impact de la consommation européenne de produits alimentaires et non-alimentaires importés et de biens de consommation sur la déforestation
  • 1. Intriduction
    2. General results & conclusions
    3. Allocation of deforestation to land-use sectors and primary commodities
    4. Trade analysis of embodied deforestation in agricultural and forestry commodities and role of the EU27
    5. Embodied deforestation in final consumption of goods and services in the EU27-detailed analysis of current consumption and recent trends
    6. Foresight scenarios of consumption trends within the EU27 in relation to land use and deforestation towards 2030
    7. Assessment of the overall impact of EU27 consumption on deforestation
