Effects of care farm



Marjolein Elings (Wageningen University)
Agriculture, Forêt, Services à la personne, Cohésion sociale, Santé
Publication externe
agriculture sociale
  • But what exactly are the effects of working or living on a care farm? Can we prove the influence on health and quality of life of people that stay on a farm? The scientific research on the effects of care farms is still at a relatively early stage particularly when compared to research conducted on interventions like cognitive behavioural therapy. However, the first insights into the effects of green care are emerging.
    This report gives an overview of the recent scientific research on the effects of care farming. Some of the studies presented are more general, others look at the effects on specific client groups such as older people with dementia, young people with behavioural problems or people with a history of drug addiction.
    It is important to have more evidence of the effects of care faming. Firstly, to prove that health care budgets are spent in a proper way. Secondly, to give clients more insight into the possibilities of having care or work on a farm. Lastly with the results of the research, the care farming sector can develop and professionalise.
    This report was originally written for a Dutch audience. Because of questions and interest from other countries, it has been translated into English. Therefore, this report will often refer to the care farming sector and the context in the Netherlands.

  • http://www.carefarminguk.org/sites/carefarminguk.org/files/Effects_of_care_farms...