Proceedings of the international conference "Towards creative rural entrepreneurship"



Cellule d'Animation du Réseau
Economie, Emploi, Entrepreunariat, Artisanat, Commerces
Séminaire international, international conference, entrepreneurship, creativity
  • Proceedings of the international conference "Towards creative rural entrepreneurship" on 21st and 22nd november 2013 in Amay (Belgium).

    Table of content :

    The four issues raised and key questions : Alternative financing of local projects, Research, development, and innovation in the rural context, Collaborative schemes in the rural context, Access to land
    A plenary session to launch the debate! with : Pierre Léonard, Renaud Baiwir, Fabio Cossu, Sjoerd Wartena, Bernard Liétaer, Jorgen Andersson
    Leading the institutional introduction
    Three perspectives on the topics of the seminar
    Questions/responses and remarks from the floor
    The four main themes cutting across four multi-­‐disciplinary approaches
    Support for the rural entrepreneur
    Deliberations of the group
    The experiences presented
    Instruments of public support
    The experiences presented
    Collaborative and networking instruments
    Deliberations of the group
    The experiences presented
    Local initiative networks
    Deliberations of the group
    The experiences presented
    Field visits
    Local economy financing and projects
    R&D and innovation in the agricultural sector
    Inter-­‐enterprise collaboration
    Access to land in agriculture

  • PDF icon 478536_proceedings_towards_creative_rural_entrepreneurship_vflight.pdf